Instructions Make a Stencil with the help of the template and cut four boots from the aluminium sheet. Punch holes for the lacing into the boots with the eyelet puncher.
Important: Place a cutting mat or board under the sheet metal when punching.
Punch antique white Handicraft paint on the boots and black on the sole. Then stamp curlicues on the white boots, also on the bare back of the boots and pull them tight with the metal pressing tool. Then grind the pronounced lines on the front side until the metal sheet becomes visible again. Form the boots plastically with the back of a spoon.
Glue two boots to each other with hot-melt adhesive, placing two short aluminium wires between the heel and ball of the foot and fixing a suspension from the glitter cord at the top.
Bend the ends of the wires to the eyelet, push a long wire through and bend it to the curved runner. Thread a thin Cord through the holes and let the ends disappear into the boot. Tie a bow and fix it to the bootleg with a glue dot and finally remove the Metallic Markers of the decorative fasteners and glue the stones on as decoration.
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