Preparing and designing the pots
Prime two
Terracotta pots with white Acrylic paint. Remove the unprinted layers of Napkin. In our example we have chosen a full rose pattern. Coat one of the pots with
Napkin varnish. Place the printed layer of the
Napkin around the pot and press them lightly. Afterwards, coat the pot again with Napkin varnish. Apply the varnish evenly to the entire outside of the pot, as it dries silky-matt and then you will see an overall shiny surface.
With our other
Napkin we have chosen a rose motif with butterflies and have cut out individual motifs from it. Remove the unprinted layers and glue the motifs with
Napkin varnish to the second pot at your discretion. The background we have painted with light blue
Acrylic paint painted
To create a great 3D effect of the butterflies, paint an
embossing foil with white Handicraft paint. After drying, stick the butterflies from Napkin with Napkin varnish onto the foil.
Emboss the butterflies by tracing the contours of the butterflies on the back of the embossing foil with an embossing pen or similar. Cut out the butterflies and fix them to the pot with hot glue.
Filling the pots
A pot is filled with
Raffia filled. The second pot gets a filling with bamboo sticks. Saw the sticks to the length of the pot and fix them with hot glue
in the pot. Into the third pot
Wood wool and filled up with
cones . A circle of wire mesh fence is cut so that nothing can fall out. This should be slightly larger than the circumference of the pot. Place the wire on the pot and bend it around the pot. Now fix the wire mesh fence to the edge of the pot with hot glue and tie a ribbon around it. This will also hold the wire and looks nice.